The student movement named «Yo soy 132» integrates students from private an public universities that share a common goal: to make Mexico a better country.

The generation of college students that is now setting the example of responsible citizenship has found great acceptance amongst mexican society in general. The movement is an outcome of something that was already originated many years ago but that constituted isolated efforts in a small scale, due to the technology at hand, the present time is ideal for the growth of mexican conscience.

It’s not only a matter of politics, communication or the media, the importane of this movement is that it changes the paradigm, the way people think and in consequence the way people act, it’s important that it shows there is another way, it will teach inhabitants how to become citizens and that’s what Mexico desperately yearns for.

Technology has come a long way since october 2 1968 when the exact same movement of awakening happened, only then, the government, leaded by Enrique Peña Nieto’s current party PRI, massacred and tortured hundreds of students and citizens to chut them up.

They brought them down and society learned a hard lesson, they were not meant to think, express their opinions or defend their rights. The ones who survived grew up with the idea they had no other choice but to swallow the injustice, the corruption, te violence, the constant damage to their economy, family, career, and life in general.

Nowadays repression and violence from Peña Nieto’s party is still there, from verbal violence to murder, but now it is exposed, now they can’t hide the truth because millions of people know how to get it out there in seconds, the minute it’s happening.

Nowadays the majority of Mexico’s population are unable to access internet, but the ones who do will use it to help others, mexican history is being written and it’s a matter of global impact.

Here is the official video released by the student movement in english to let the world know what politicians and media want to hide, what Mexico is going through.

by: Kristina Guerrero

Video: mxahoraonunca